Saturday 31 March 2012

One man and his books

Well now the natives in East India are definitely getting restless: one of them appears to have taken it upon himself to court-martial Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson, as I entered the barracks on Friday to find them both with their backs to the wall. My prime suspect is one George Galloway and an investigation is taking place as to how he got obtained pass into the building. Happily (?) I intervened in time to prevent a bloody massacre and put all four volumes back the right way round.

And talking of Third Men: I was rather excited to hear that a large number of Private Eyes had turned up on the doorstep. Imagine my disappointment when said sleuths turned out not to be of the variety that wear trench-coats and trilbies, but a large consignment of frankly scurrilous magazines. Will have to look into this, but am planning to house them with Hogarth - he seems to thrive on muck and mischief and I'm sure they will all feel at home together.

Meanwhile over the road, the Meirion the Welsh Guardsman continues to do a stirling job on the old OPAC (a sort of on-line register of soldiers, sailors and other military personnel if you like), though he seems to have mislaid a whole battalion of Argentine footsoldiers - I hope he isn't planning a thirtieth anniversary re-enactment of the Falklands war using books as ammo - His Excellency, the Ambassador to Dominican Republic (a generous donor to the Canning Regiment) will not be amused.

And this brings me to the crux of this weeks invasion issues: the regiments formerly housed in the barracks known as the Billiards Room, have now been formally evicted and housed temporarily in a wire cage on wheels. I am attempting a thorough roll-call in order to complete the Welsh Guardsman's OPAC but frankly a 1x2x3m wire cage in my luxury office suite (known as the broom-cupboard-but-soon-to-be-disabled-loo) is making conditions on the Front quite tiresome....may have to start digging a trench.

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