Saturday 17 March 2012

In which the Library is yet again attacked by the enemy within

Well bugger me sideways! This week, the catering corps have launched their most vicious assault for some months now and quite without warning. Their CO informed me that they will be permanently requisitioning two of my field depots within the next few weeks leaving several of my boys (including a dozen volumes of Jane's Fighting Ships and a score of illustrated tomes of military uniforms) entirely homeless. 

Naturally I retaliated with - well frankly I didn't have much left to strike with, having exhausted my supplies of space several months ago following the bankruptcy of a certain artillery supplier. Said arms dealer, had promised to deliver two shelving units and is about to find himself on the receiving end of a barrage lunched by the top brass at CHQ have assured me they will  open up an entirely new battlefield with the aid of bailiffs in order to recover our dosh.

Rather took the shine off my - I thought - major victory, namely the signing off of the Catalogue Campaign (strategic OPAC initiative), thanks to the splendid efforts of a member of the Welsh Guards who has now re-run the conversion at least three times and got it looking almost orderly enough to present to the Iron Duke himself.

Meanwhile over in the east Indies, matters are proceeding in a more subdued fashion. Managed to screw a few more pennies out of Rigsby in order to complete a few regiments whose soldiers had either gone AWOL or been assassinated by over-zealous admirers (rather like the ear-less bunny that Bosh cameraman accidentally obliterated this week, poor sod).

Also rather relieved to see the return of my #1 customer this week: Col. Gin-soaked (Gordon's Highlanders - Retd.) indulging in his favourite pastime of snoozing in the library over a volume or two of Dickens, a copy of the Daily Mail and - of course - a G&T. And all without getting his whiskers wet. DON'T PANIC!

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