Saturday 30 June 2012

In which our librarian re-enacts the battle of troy using scrap metal and opera singers

Troyens picture from
So this week I decided it was time for some special manoeuvres in the field and attended a forces training event where the battle of Troy was to be re-enacted. I was somewhat gob-smacked when I learned that said re-enactment involved five an an half hours of operatics by one Hector Berlioz, as he isn't mentioned in any of the manuals: Where in Sun Tzu or Clausewitz does it imply that the result of the Battle of Ilium would have been different if it had been set to music? Where in Jomini or Wu Ch'i does it suggest that Hector B is a better fighter than his Trojan namesake?
Anyway, I decided to put aside my prejudices against civilian instructors and enjoy the show especially as an elderly gentleman had offered me a top-price seat in the Stalls (though I was puzzled by the lack of horses in said area). Was somewhat taken aback when another mature gentleman attempted to lure me to further operatic displays as his accomplice, despite my protestations that such behaviour could cause a scandal in the ranks. Must make sure his CO is warned about his behaviour before it gets out of hand.

So the following day I returned to the barracks armed with my new tactics and found, to my surprise that the enemy within known as the Catering Corps had voluntarily withdrawn from the tilt-yard in order to let me carry out my operations in peace, namely the enrolling of the Palmerston Biographical Regiment, who as yet hadn't managed to make it to roll-call. Sadly I discovered that like the gift of the  Greeks, the Catering Corps's gift-horse was not all it seemed and the buggers had sabotaged my equipment: every time I attempted to enter a soldier's details on the laptop, said piece of dodgy artillery wiped it, and I was forced to resort to Plan B involving trollies, pullies and a desk-top. Normal ops will resume next week I hope.

Oh and a quick mention for Meirion the Welsh Guardsman. He said that if anyone is looking for an online system for anything they should give him a shout. Toodle-pip.

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